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Enrolling with management server failed


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Did the problem start this week by chance and worked before? Have you logged in to Apple Business or Apple School Manager and accepted the new terms and conditions that posted on Monday? Just wanted to eliminate that simple solution first and confirm if enrolling ever worked for you or just broke on Monday? 

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One thing to check is that your SSL cert is good. For example I can go to https://fwjoshlab.filewave.net:20443 in a browser and see that there is no complaint about SSL. I believe I saw what you show the other day when someone had a revoked SSL cert on their server. If it was the SSL cert. Below is where SSL certs are updated in preferences. Note that if your SSL cert was revoked by someone in your organization that the Expiration Date may not have passed, but if you try to go to your server in a browser (as in my example of my server's URL) then that's usually a good indicator of if the certificate is good or not. 

Beyond that unless you see someone post another idea it may be good to start up a request with support via help@filewave.com or https://help.filewave.com 


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You may also want to check or re-create your DEP profile - assuming you're enrolling your devices via DEP.

DEP profile contains the server cert (in the "anchor certificates" part) and the server cert, used to certify the communication with both MDM and SCEP server, needs to match   the one in the profile.

If you created the profile and then uploaded a new cert, your DEP profile may be outdated. Depending on how the cert has been uploaded to FileWave profiles will be updated and re-associated, but some workflows skip this step.

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