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Connecting Google LDAP to FileWave server

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Hi @Adam Richmond I was wondering about the end goal. When I think about this I was wondering if it related to Chromebooks because we do automagically show the structure of your Google account with devices in the right places when you setup Chromebook management. But I was curious if your question didn't relate to that. Is it about other device types. 

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Ok that makes sense. So setup for that is the same as IdP you just check the Enrollment checkbox and then in the DEP profile you pick the checkbox related to it but it sounds like you did that if the box is coming up but it is giving an error. This might be better for a support ticket https://help.filewave.com or help@filewave.com but maybe if you can share here what it looks like when it errors out?Any error text that may give an idea about it? 

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Looks like Google may automatically do this:


so in your case, very much unlikely it has expired.

You may need to raise a support ticket, if you are happy that you don't have any Firewall rules that would be getting in the way.

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