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Install Microsoft Teams on an Mac

Sven Blaufuss

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Hy @all,   


i have the issue that when i deploy Microsoft Teams that the monitor sharing is not activated. So when the user whants to share the Desktop they get the screen to enable it. But as normal user you need Admin credentials.

Is there a possibility to enable all features when filewave is installing the software?


Best regards



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You would want a TCC profile that allows a non-admin user to enable screen recording i believe. https://kb.filewave.com/books/profiles-apple/page/create-tcc-privacy-policy-control-payloads Shows how to make a TCC profile. You can see here one for TeamViewer https://kb.filewave.com/books/teamviewer/page/teamviewer-macos-client-setup and the profile would be similar but the application would be different. Apple does not allow an MDM to enable screen recording for a user but can allow for a non-admin to enable it on their own with a TCC profile.  

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