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last connected Server FileWave Admin


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I have the same problem. Probably any MSP might have the same desire. If you go here: FW 101 Intro: FileWave Product Suggestions Portal and click the Submit an Idea button once logged in and in the course you can route that to Product Management. That's the best way to pass this up. Obviously if there was more history maybe the UI needs a dialog for the history or a little seach box or something so include info on what you'd want to see there. 

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Better still, you could use Apple Shortcuts.

I originally just had English or German, but expanded this with some examples:




You can launch FileWave from the Menu Bar and not only have as many preset servers and usernames as you like, but also specify language whilst you are at it.  No need to even care about what is in the recent list, this will pre-populate username, server and port fields; ignoring the recent list.

For text copy/paste purposes here is the German script example:


/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'Set :lastAdminName fwadmin' ~/Library/Preferences/com.filewave.FileWave\ Admin.plist
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'Set :lastServerAddr demo.filewave.ch' ~/Library/Preferences/com.filewave.FileWave\ Admin.plist
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'Set :lastServerPort 20016' ~/Library/Preferences/com.filewave.FileWave\ Admin.plist

/Applications/FileWave/FileWave\ Admin.app/Contents/MacOS/FileWave\ Admin --lang de_DE & 

exit 0

Now, take that a step further and quit a current running version if running, editing the English version example:


osascript << EOF
  tell application "FileWave Admin"
  end tell
end try

/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'Set :lastAdminName fwadmin' ~/Library/Preferences/com.filewave.FileWave\ Admin.plist
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'Set :lastServerAddr demo.inotech.ch' ~/Library/Preferences/com.filewave.FileWave\ Admin.plist
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'Set :lastServerPort 20016' ~/Library/Preferences/com.filewave.FileWave\ Admin.plist

/Applications/FileWave/FileWave\ Admin.app/Contents/MacOS/FileWave\ Admin --lang us_EN & 

exit 0

This could be extended even further still and alter the path for different versions of FileWave if really necessary, if you have different customers running different versions of FileWave.

This takes this beyond anything we would offer in product and all in the click of a Menu Bar item.

  • Thanks 1
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