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Unarchive client


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When a MDM enrolled device is archived, a command to remove the enrolment profile is sent to the device.  There is no equivalent to MDM re-enrol when a device is re-instated, so any MDM enrolment will need to be re-actioned.

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Thanks, Sean, for the clarification.

Actually ALL profiles had disappeard from the machines. What we did in the end was a combination of "Clear Certificate(s)" for each client (in FileWave Admin), add them again to Filewave when they appeard in "New Client from Server" window (there was no conflict to be resolved although the clients were still present in FileWave) and run the command "sudo profiles renew -type enrollment" on each client. We also did a "Clear Fileset Status" and a "Verify" for each client to better see, what was going on.

I'm not sure about the correct order and whether there are any reboots required/recommended between certain steps. Also we did a few model updates just to be on the safe side. It was try and error and some (more or less educated) guessing, but in the end we got all clients back and learned some lessons (lesson one: always double check the selected clients befor archiving them!)

Edited by Stadi-IT
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Right, once the enrolment profile is removed, anything installed via MDM is potentially removed.  All managed profiles will be removed, but VPP Apps are a case by case.

Each VPP Fileset has the following setting:


But, there is also developer choice involved here, since the licence for the App will no longer be available.  The experience at this point is then actioned by the settings the developer applied to the App, which could be anything from not caring and the App still working, to prompts, etc.

Clearing the certificates would prevent conflicts; the conflict occurs because there is an active record and a device with enough matching criteria checks in with the same details, but is lacking the dedicated client certificate that is currently stored in the DB.

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